I wanted to find out how shadcn-ui CLI works. In this article, I discuss the code used to build the shadcn-ui/ui CLI.
In part 2.6, we looked at function getTsConfigAliasPrefix that returns the alias used in paths in your project’s ts-config.json.
Let’s move on to the next line of code.
At L84, it is a simple check that returns null if any of the projectType or tailwindCssFile or tsConfigAliasPrefix does not exist.
Let’s learn more about isTypescriptProject(cwd)
const isTsx = await isTypeScriptProject(cwd)
isTypescriptProject is a function imported from ui/packages/cli/src/utils/get-project-info.ts and this function checks if the cwd (current working directory) has a tsconfig.json file.
export async function isTypeScriptProject(cwd: string) {
// Check if cwd has a tsconfig.json file.
return pathExists(path.resolve(cwd, "tsconfig.json"))
pathExists is a function imported from fs-extra
import fs, { pathExists } from "fs-extra"
To check if a project uses TypeScript, you could do the same thing that shadcn-ui/ui CLI package does. That is, check if tsconfig.json path exists in the given cwd using pathExists function provided by fs-extra.
Want to learn how to build shadcn-ui/ui from scratch? Check out build-from-scratch
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Build shadcn-ui/ui from scratch